
sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


Speaker: Good morning assistants

Is to my a pleasure shares this space with you, this day  I will tell you about the

new vertical farm project, but first I want to ask: ¿what are you know about vertical


Young 1: I understand that the vertical farms use application to the agriculture

where the horizontal space is limited and the use of air is very important because

your circulation reduce the temperature and is healthy.

Speaker: very very  good  young , very wise your opinion, and ¿what are you can

tell us?

Young 2: I think that vertical farms are a big  constructions of buildings that allow

me have a more amount of belongings in a small space .

Speaker: That's right, that  idea  is correct . To complement this mean I can say

that the  vertical farm consist in mainly work to grow plants within of buildings that

have more  flats or terraces , where the  space of farm is reduces and optimized to

one best production.

Young 1: ok thank you very much, now I understand the positives goals of this

project, and the great impact that produce can initialize the building of verticals

farm   the world is ready to this new process

Young 2: Clearly with the space is smalls we can not building more vertical farms

this can provide an excellent future option to the agricultural enterprises

Speaker: nice, now ,you know about  the  vertical farms ,¿are you can  initiate  a

purpose of  proyect  about the vertical farms in our department ? And as you will

start this idea?

Young 1: of course you can implement a vertical farm model in our department ,

through good planning  the impossible is nothing. What are you think about this

answer  young 2?

Young 2: I agree with you, although it is difficult build a vertical farm in a short time,

of course  you can  create a plan to have  good results in the future.

Sure  This idea is really innovate and I like your implications   , because this topic

is between the interesting topics of my  career ,I think that it  can  complement  my

study and complete my knowledge about  the implementation of vertical farms .

Young 1: you're right, our carreira can contribute enough to enrich the use of

vertical farms where methodologies can be developed very interesting topics about

exploitation in this projects

Speaker: wow, I like this answers, but really this topic  is very large  , to plan

a project of this magnitude should see the  economic analysis and the relation

cost / benefit , and that the project reduce emissions contributing to reduce

environmental impact , in addition to its realization is much needed have a lot

money . is very important analyze  the location and the social, economic and

environmental impact factors.

Young 1: is exciting talk about the vertical farms, for this I will continue studying

everything that is related to this topic

Young 2: I agree, I'll do the same

Speaker: well I think  that is  time to take a coffee , we deserve  a coffee

Young 1: I think the same

Young 2: Me too.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

The Topic

Why did you choose the topic of your blog?

We are students of  careers that work with many natural impacts, the topic (verticals farms) in  our professions is very important because this idea is a new change  to the farms, the structure of cities, the economy, the news tools and news technologies.  We should be informants of these tendencies and the results.

The problem is that the horizontal space is better small between the cities to start a new expansion o f the farms and others economical activities, then this news verticals farms are the solution of the food companies, of architecture, we think that the Vertical farming promises to expand this approach, so that perhaps in the near future the food prices will not change with the time. The climate changes issues will continue confound and disrupt this already seriously flawed system of outdoor food production. The idea is that we could produce most of what we needed year round in vertical farms located inside cities. We think the concept of the vertical farm is the only viable option we have to a long term solution to the world food crisis.The actually contamination is a more important because with the verticals farms the gases  will  be reduce in big volume , the plants will give oxygen to the cities  and will  have control to reduce the temperature in your areas. 

the Structure of the dialogue

The structure of the dialogue will be first, ask questions he can think about vertical farms, say the importance of world agriculture, and how this project can solve the problem of not having space to grow. Also, we're going to give the explanation of why we like this. and it has in common with our careers. Finally, we will make a short description of how you could raise a vertical farm in our department   

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Vertical Farm

The idea of vertical farming in a modern urban context first surfaced about 10 years ago. Then, it was just a dream. But over the past two years, the first prototypes have been developed.

Proponents say that vertical farming can help solve the impending world food shortage. By 2050, the UN predicts that the global population will surpass 9 billion people. Given current agricultural productivity rates, the Vertical Farm Project estimates that an agricultural area equal in size to roughly half of South America will be needed to feed this larger population.

Vertical Farming designs like these don't rely on overused, unfertile land. In regulated indoor spaces, crops are immune to pests and cold snaps. Here, the influence of East Asian rice terraces can be seen.

Critics point out that there are still big hurdles to be overcome before vertical farming can be successfully implemented. The need to power artificial light for the plants is one issue that needs to be addressed

Despite the challenges, vertical farming experiments like this one in Suwon, South Korea, give many hope that vertical farming may still make the transition from the drawing board to reality

Inside the three-story building, agricultural scientists cultivate lettuce plants over 450 square meters (4,800 square feet)

Heads of lettuce are lined up in stacked layers. At the very bottom, small seedlings are thriving, while further up, more mature plants are nearly ready for picking.

The vertical farm in Suwon is already a success in one respect: Tourists are eager to see the project in action. Unlike traditional greenhouses in the area, the Suwon vertical farm uses no pesticides and also recycles all of its water

Vertical farming has already found some success in the Netherlands: In Den Bosch, three stories underground, the PlantLab company successfully cultivates roses and decorative shrubs, as well as edible crops including beans, cucumbers and corn.

The plants in Suwon are illuminated with red, white and blue lights. The exact wavelength under which the plants grow best varies and has to be adjusted based on experiments

Machines plant the seeds in Suwon. Such vertical farms function completely without sunlight

Vertical farming holds especial promise for South Korea, which relies heavily on food imports and ranks fifth-to-list in an OECD ranking of food security. Natural disasters, climate change and rising food prices increase the threat of food shortages.

Dickson Despommier, a professor emeritus of environmental health sciences and microbiology at New York's Columbia University, is a proponent of vertical farming.

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

what is the problem?

By the year 2050, nearly 80% of the earth's population will reside in urban centers. Applying the most conservative estimates to current demographic trends, the human population will increase by about 3 billion people during the interim. An estimated 109 hectares of new land (about 20% more land than is represented by the country of Brazil) will be needed to grow enough food to feed them, if traditional farming practices continue as they are practiced today. At present, throughout the world, over 80% of the land that is suitable for raising crops is in use (sources: FAO and NASA). Historically, some 15% of that has been laid waste by poor management practices. What can be done to avoid this impending disaster?